Remember when you tried to keep your kids away from pot? Remember? It wasn't that long ago. And now? Now your kids are trying to get you stoned! Or at very least, they want you to consider cannabis for all those aches and pains and anxieties that seem to accompany aging.
We need education in this brave new world of dispensaries, vapes, extracts, designer strains, CBDs...the list of new applications and terms is bewildering and endless. Sometimes, we even need to re-learn how to ingest cannabis after so long away. The strains are stronger and even edibles require some judicious personal testing. If it's been a while, you'll need to re-enter slowly. Is this you?
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In a society that's fueled by guilt, anxiety and fear, cannabis tells me not to take it all so seriously. It brings me relief from existential dread, creeping depression and rigid thinking, as well as providing physical relaxation, emotional openness and enhanced body awareness. Maybe that's a bad thing by some standards, but I praise the herb for the wisdom it imparts to me.
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Cannabis democratizes the spiritual and revolutionizes the actual. It can be the key to the mental handcuffs that we've worn for far too long - in this sense, cannabis combines the political with the spiritual. A potent brew feared by those who worship control and hierarchy...,maybe that's one of the unspoken reasons it has been illegal and defamed for so long.
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BlkCannaJoy has addressed a huge need of the low-income West Oakland black community that depends on cannabis for medicine. Since Prop 64 passed, there was a two year gap where legally there was no logical way to distribute cannabis for free to anyone with a medicinal cannabis recommendation. Prior to the passing of Prop 64, you had to obtain a medical recommendation to buy cannabis. Products sold under medical marijuana laws of Prop 215 were far less strict than Prop 64, and under Prop 215 cannabis could be given away for free to any and all via compassion programs. METRC didnt exist so weed could be given away much more freely, and people who couldn’t afford it could find access to it for free.
Wait, free weed?
Yup, free weed!
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